QED | PR & Influencer Marketing
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PR & Influencer Marketing

Let us help you tap into new & targeted audience

Public Relations

Looking to establish credibility for your brand, get the word out in the world, build up on the buzz, get more visibility and build leads? Our PR team works on building effective communication between your brand and the public, managing your media relations and featuring you in print, online publications, radio and other forms of traditional media.


Influencer Marketing

If there ever was a right time to get involved in Influencer Marketing for your brand, it is now! Influencer marketing campaigns should be an integral part of your content marketing and brand strategy. It is also important to identify the right influencers for your brand, plan an effective campaign that best utilizes their social media community and brings you the best returns. Consumers tune into influencers on a daily basis on Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms, and collaborating with influencers, turning them into ambassadors for your brand is an opportunity not to be missed. QED plans and manages influencer marketing right from outreach and deal structuring to campaign management and reporting.
